retained earnings statement

The statement is a financial document that includes information regarding a firm’s retained earnings, along with the net income and amounts distributed to stockholders in the form of dividends. An organization’s net income is noted, showing the amount that will be set aside to handle certain obligations outside of shareholder dividend payments, as well as any amount directed to cover any losses. Retained earnings offer a snapshot of the financial health of a company and can provide insights into its growth potential and stability. Retained earnings can be found by taking the beginning retained earnings amount, adding the net income earned during the period, and subtracting any dividends paid out to shareholders.

retained earnings statement

By looking at the example retained earnings, shareholders can get a sense of how profitable a company has been and how retained earnings can help business owners in the future. Let’s say a company, ABC Inc., starts its accounting period with a beginning retained earnings balance of $50,000. During the period, ABC Inc. generates a net income of $30,000 and pays out $10,000 in dividends to its shareholders. Retained earnings is also known as the ending balance of a company’s statement of retained earnings. The statement of retained earnings shows how profits have been retained or paid out to shareholders.

Equity Statement Analysis

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  • The statement of retained earnings is also known as the retained earnings statement, the statement of shareholders’ equity, the statement of owners’ equity, and the equity statement.
  • For investors and financial analysts, retained earnings are essential since they offer in-depth insights into a company’s long-term growth potential.
  • You’ll want to find the financial statements section of a company’s annual report in order to find a company’s retained earnings balance and all the supporting figures you’ll need to complete the calculation.
  • A statement of retained earnings details the changes in a company’s retained earnings balance over a specific period, usually a year.

The statement of retained earnings is a key component of a company’s financial reports, along with the income statement and cash flow statement. The company’s retained earnings calculation is laid out nicely in its consolidated statements of shareowners’ equity statement. Here we can see the beginning balance of its retained earnings (shown as reinvested earnings), the net income for the period, and the dividends distributed to shareholders in the period. In contrast, a retained earnings statement focuses solely on the changes in retained earnings over a specific accounting period.


This reporting requirement ensures that users of financial statements have a clear understanding of the company’s retained earnings and how they have changed over time. The statement of retained earnings is one of four main financial statements, along with the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. In that case, the company may choose not to issue it as a separate form, but simply add it to the balance sheet. It’s also sometimes called the statement of shareholders’ equity or the statement of owner’s equity, depending on the business structure. In conclusion, retained earnings directly affect shareholders’ equity as they represent the accumulated profits or losses of a company.

retained earnings statement

By analyzing the retained earnings figure, investors can gain insight into how well a company is performing and how much it is reinvesting back into the business. The retained earnings calculation can be found by starting with the accumulated earnings from previous years and adding or subtracting the change in retained earnings. In some cases, a company may have negative retained earnings, which could affect the retained earnings available for distribution to shareholders. In these instances, a company may need to adjust its retained earnings example to ensure it is in compliance with financial reporting standards. Retained earnings appear on the balance sheet under the shareholders’ equity section.

Example Retained Earnings Calculations

Companies are required to report their financial statements to external parties, such as investors, creditors, and regulators, at the end of each reporting period. This includes the statement of retained earnings, which showcases the cumulative effect of a company’s net income, dividends, and other adjustments over a specific period. In financial modeling, it’s necessary to have a separate schedule for modeling retained earnings.

Retained Earnings (RE) are the accumulated portion of a business’s profits that are not distributed as dividends to shareholders but instead are reserved for reinvestment back into the business. Normally, these funds are used for working capital and fixed asset purchases (capital expenditures) or allotted for paying off debt obligations. Incorrectly recording dividend payments in the statement of retained earnings can have significant consequences for a company. It can lead to inaccurate financial reporting, misrepresentation of profits, and potential legal issues. This error can distort the true financial health of a business and undermine investor confidence.